A Note from the Moriel Canada Branch

Christian Blessings

Effective as of 20th February, after several years of dedicated service to The Lord's work with Moriel, Brother Blair Waugh will be stepping down from Moriel.

Blair believes that The Lord is now directing him into another area of ministry. We would, in tribute, point out that Blair effectively built Moriel in Canada administratively, legally, and financially , for which we shall always remain grateful. Covid related government policies were among the most restrictive in the world in Canada, and it was Blair who held things together during this prolonged period that adversely affected so many churches and ministries in Canada (even the famed arrest of church pastors).

On a related, but separate note, Moriel continues to request prayer for Blair who has been facing family stress due to the health of his aged mother who is thankfully a saved Christian, but who has been diagnosed as pre-terminal and palliative, placing strong demands on Blair in recent months. We of course pray for The Lord's grace and mercies for Blair's mother in this difficult regard

During his tenure, Blair was assisted in the area of accounting by his wife, drawing on her professional background.

Moriel's Canada Branch will not be needing to reorganize but only transition due to the well organized operating platform Blair leaves as his Moriel legacy.

We above all wish Brother Blair every blessing and success in any new avenue of ministry in which The Lord leads him. We will of course leave it for Blair himself to announce what that is at the appropriate time, but we are hoping to endorse it. Meanwhile we trust in God's grace in addressing the very serious illness of his mother currently weighing him. Blair has been a faithful brother and friend, and a very efficient and very effective administrator.

In Christ,