"As in India and Africa, our Filipino children are rescued from terrible poverty (our
missionaries literally scavenged these little kids from a huge garbage heap where
they scavenged to survive). They get nutrition, health care. clothing, sponsored
education , and above all they get Jesus & the Gospel.
Once they become teenagers and complete secondary education, those up to it
become what we call "the Moriel Scholars" on our scholarship program and they
go onto higher education.
Our first children's work was Ebyown in Africa with HIV & AIDS babies pioneered by Dave Royle,
Our Philiipine Children's mission was actually began by Roger Oakland but taken over
and expanded by Moriel, freeing up Roger to pioneer a new children's work in Burma
(called "Bryce House") in Myanamar. Our third Third World children's mission is in India. It is the
orphanage pioneered by Mark Jackson among orphaned Dalet Children (the totally impoverished
social religious "out castes" from the Hindu caste system).
Please pray for our children, for our missionaries, and for God's Provision to take care of them and to
continue this work as we await the Return of Jesus, and as Peter the Apostle put it, as we seek and work
to "Hasten His Coming". Our Third World Children are God's Children, and a Gift from God. They are
beautiful children .God loves them, and we love them. We are grateful to Him, to our missionaries, and to
all of you.
James Jacob Prasch
Moriel Missions