I agree the fact that Hamas was able to just walk into Israel across the Gaza border raises big questions about how Israel’s security allowed it to happen.
But the idea that Israel co-operated with Hamas in order to have an excuse to wipe out the Palestinians in Gaza does not make sense. Israel did co-operate with Hamas years ago as a foil to Fatah and the PLO, but times have changed totally since then. Hamas has now taken over a part of the Palestinian area that was lined up for the two state solution (Israel and Palestine alongside each other), an idea which it totally rejects (while Fatah / Palestinian Authority in theory accepts this proposal). Hamas has consistently used this territory to launch attacks on Israel with missiles supplied by Iran. It has a charter calling for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamic state from the Jordan to the Mediterranean. This would not result in happy Jews, Christians and Muslims living side by side in peace, oppressed by foreign Turkish rule), but the murder and expulsion of Jews and suppression of Christians. By the way your claim that this was how life was in pre-Israel Palestine was a bit wide of the mark. Palestine under Ottoman rule was a neglected backwater of the Turkish Empire, previous to that fought over for generations by different Muslim factions and the Crusaders.
You claim that Hamas is secretly backed by Israel and US globalists. What evidence do you have for that? Hamas is backed in the real world not by Israel but by Iran which has espoused a fanatic extreme Shiite Muslim ideology, which really is aiming at world domination through their expectation of the coming of the Mahdi and the imposition of their form of Islam worldwide. This is a threat not just to Israel but to Sunni Muslims in the Middle East. The idea that the present Israeli government would cooperate with such a force in order to set up some kind of world government from Jerusalem is frankly ridiculous. The war that has resulted threatens to bring in Iran, Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies in Syria, Iraq and Yemen aimed at Israel’s destruction. This could result in the end of Israel. Why on earth would an Israeli government co-operate with people who want an Islamic government with no place for their existence?
Unlike the accusations about ‘Deep State’ involvement and the Rothschilds and the City of London, which (to be honest) are based on conspiracy theories which cannot be proved, the evidence for the Islamic aim for the end of Israel coming from the Iranian government and its allies is clearly stated by those entities. Even if the ‘Deep State’ idea you mention were true, then how on earth would a full scale war over Israel help to set up a ‘world government from Jerusalem’? If the Islamists were victorious, they would work against the whole western alliance / new world order and impose their own version which counters the western based one. If Israel were victorious it would do so in opposition to most of the world who would not accept any world government under a supposed Zionist umbrella. Frankly the whole thesis does not make any sense. Your talk completely ignored the Islamic dimension by the way. Actually what you said about the Zionist backed world government sounds a bit like a recycling of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the famous anti-Semitic forgery.
You make a huge number of accusations against Israel for its treatment of Arabs, which are exaggerated and actually repetitions of anti-Zionist propaganda. Most Israelis would like to live in peace with their Arab neighbours, and Israeli Arabs mostly have a better life than those living in surrounding countries. If the Arabs could have lived in peace with the Jews (as they were recommended to do by Faisal after the Arab revolt in 1917) they would have been able to benefit from Israel’s achievements in agriculture, medicine and technology. Wherever the radical Islamist anti-Israel power has gone it has resulted in war, poverty, backwardness and brought nothing but misery to the people of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
Israel was set up by the resolution of the UN in November 1947. Immediately after proclaiming the State of Israel in May 1948 Israel was attacked by Arab armies seeking its destruction at birth. Its survival was miraculous, given that it was vastly outnumbered and outgunned. Also in 1967 Israel was threatened with being pushed into the sea, but again experienced what I believe was a divine deliverance in its victory in the Six Day War. In 1968 they offered to return the occupied territories in return for a peace settlement but the Khartoum conference came back with the ‘three noes’ – no peace, no negotiations, no recognition of Israel. In 2000 seven years after the Oslo Accords, PM Barak offered PLO Chairman Arafat most of what he wanted, apart from the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. He rejected this and launched the Intifada, resulting in the separation barrier / wall in the West Bank and ongoing hostilities in the region. There are issues about the settlements, but the reason for Israel’s hard line actions in the West Bank is the PA’s support for terrorism against Israel. Wars bring suffering to both sides, but Israel had no option but to fight these wars or face destruction. As Golda Meir said ‘If the Arabs were to lay down their weapons there would be no more war. If Israel were to lay down its weapons there would be no more Israel.’
None of these facts came into your presentation which just projected a demonic violent Israel seeking to kill and oppress the Palestinian Arabs (and had nothing to say about the real issue of Arab terrorism actually killing Israelis and preaching hatred and violence).
On the Christian front I agree that Jesus came to bring in a new revelation of God which broadens out the kingdom of God from being centred on Israel and the Jews to now being extended to all humanity. I agree that His kingdom is one of love and peace in which He wants barriers between people to be broken down. However He also came as the Jewish Messiah, in His time on earth He attended synagogue and Jewish festivals which He used to point to His purpose for coming to redeem the world. The New Testament does not deny the ultimate vision of a restored Israel at the centre of the nations and the place from which the Messiah will rule the world in the coming Millennial kingdom.
In your talk you imply that the Jewish opposition to Jesus at the time of the Gospels was based on a kind of Zionist desire to set up a Jewish state free from the Romans which Jesus did not go along with (in other words the Zealot plan). Agreed it is possible that Judas had this idea which may have motivated his betrayal of Jesus (but not certain, that is just supposition). The New Testament shows that the opposition came from the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Sadducees were really against the Zealots and taught submission to Rome. The main reason for the opposition to Jesus was nothing to do with His attitude to the Roman occupation, but the ‘Son of God’ claim which went against their theology of the unity of God. This was actually the accusation which led to the Sanhedrin declaring Him worthy of death (Matthew 26.62-65). The other major issue was the interpretation of the Torah. Jesus taught the authority of scripture (Moses) but denied the additional laws (‘traditions of the fathers’) which the Pharisees taught (Matthew 15.1-19, Matthew 23). These additional laws became known as the Oral Law, to be written down years later in the Talmud. There is nothing in the New Testament about Jesus’ opposition or support coming from the Zealots, except possibly the false accusation of the chief priests before Pilate that He was stirring up rebellion against Rome (Luke 23, John 19). I have also attached an article I did on Jesus and the Torah.
As far as the accusations that the whole idea of Christian support for Israel is based on a satanic plot involving the Rothschilds and Satanists who programmed Darby and Schofield to produce the Christian Zionist narrative, that is far fetched in the extreme. There were plenty of people apart from Darby and Schofield who saw from that scripture prophesies a dispersion of the Jews and a return to Israel in the last days. Many of them prior to Darby and Schofield. This was based on interpretations of Isaiah 11, Ezekiel 36-39, Jeremiah 30-31, Zechariah 12-14, as well as Jesus words about Jerusalem being trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Luke 21). Jesus fulfilled part of the Messianic programme (Isaiah 53 / the Suffering Servant / crucifixion and resurrection). However there remains another aspect of it which must be fulfilled at His Second Coming, Isaiah 2.1-4, Zechariah 14 and many other passages (the Reigning King Messiah). That requires a restoration of Israel, first in unbelief and then turning to the Lord in repentance and faith at the second coming. This is implied in a number of scriptures, notably in Ezekiel 36-39, Zechariah 12-14, Jeremiah 30-31.
You say that the Schofield Reference Bible corrupted the whole of Christianity to be pro Israel. That is completely untrue. Most of nominal Christianity, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant rejects the idea of a prophetic significance of Israel. As far as I know all Bible colleges in the UK teach the a-Millennial view, including replacement theology (church has replaced Israel and all prophecies relating to future Israel apply to the church). I don’t know of one that teaches the views put forward in the Schofield Bible. There are some that do in the USA, where support for Israel remains quite strong amongst US Christians, although it is in decline there too, with a number of churches now teaching strongly opposing views to Christian Zionism. In Britain and Europe it is very much a minority view which is suppressed in most churches.
Meanwhile we pray for peace in these tragic times in which chaos and disorder risks taking over the world and we head for the time prophesied in the Bible for the Great Tribulation, which will precede the Second Coming of Christ and centre on the last battle for Israel. We look forward to the coming of the Lord to take His people to be with Himself (1 Thessalonians 4) and to set up His Messianic kingdom, ruling from restored Jerusalem (Isaiah 2.1-4, Revelation 20). With no help from the Rothschilds or the New World Order by the way.
I have attached my latest magazine which has an article about Israel.
Shalom in Messiah
Tony Pearce