

The Character of God

(Actual Hindu quote by an Indian student studying in the USA): “What I believe now is that Hindus and Christians are the same, we believe in the same god. Hindus are in actual fact Christians and Christians are Hindus...as our god is one. I know Christians are not ready to believe that, but it's true that Jesus, Lord Shiva (Hindu God), Lord Krishna (Christ Na)(Hindu God) are re-incarnation of the same god (a.k.a. Vishnu, Mahesh and Brahama (Abraham) - the trinity in Hinduism).”

4. Issue of intolerance

Another difference between Hinduism and Christianity is the tolerance towards the views of other religions. A Protestant would only be a…

3. Scripture

In Christianity, the Word of God comes from only one source - the Holy Bible. The Word of God has a strict code of morals and basic life…

5. Idol worship

How can Hinduism and the Bible agree, when God says do not make any carved images of anything? “Do not make idols or set up an image or a…

6. The Origins Of Hinduism

From False Gods To The True God- Elohim Part 1: ORGIN Of Hinduism 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to…







































































































































































































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