Barb requests we pray for her husband Kyle who is suffering from spinal injury pain and inability to function physically. 

12 years ago my husband (and our family) was in a serious vehicle accident.  Kyle needed many subsequent surgeries - one for a fracture in his  lower spine.

It was considerably better after surgery for about 1½ years, however, it has steadily become worse and worse.

He remained on disability as he was never able to go back to his previous employment as a foreman at the mill here locally. 

In the past 2 years it has become a challenge for him to even do his day to day tasks due to pain and numbness in his legs.

He doesn't put his faith in the medical system but we are certainly trying to find medical options for him.

I do believe if it is Gods will for him to be healed, it can happen fully.  I also know that if we are to go through the medical system,  God can use that for His glory as well.

Here is the heart of my prayer request - my husband has always been a strong example to our 5 girls, reminding them to know where they draw their strength on a daily basis - especially on his most difficult days.  Kyle (my husband) is becoming weak and unable to be out of bed for more than a couple of hours per day.

The soonest he is able to have an MRI (which may not show anything because of the metal plate in his back) is 6 months - we are seeing his doctor today in person (most appointments are over the phone in Smithers, BC right now) - and being in northern British Columbia, the facilities are limited - we are specifically praying that if it is Gods will that we use the medical system, that the doors would be open quickly and if it is not, that He will give Kyle miraculous strength moment by moment to walk this path that He has given him and that His purposes would be completed through this difficult journey.

Please pray for his healing, perseverance and continued faithfulness.

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