
The Sons of Zadok - Polish

Scripture: Ezekiel 44 Being misled is one thing, but misleading others _ either being cognizant of the error, or teaching error out of out…

One Messiah, Two Comings - Polish

Scripture: Acts 1:4-8 Everything under the ground is Old Testament Israel, but everything above the ground is the New Testament Church. The…

The Last Revival - Polish

Wielkim pytaniem, stawianym współcześnie przez wielu w Kościele jest: „Czy, zanim powtórnie przyjdzie Pan Jezus, Bóg da zachodniemu światu…

Kashrut and Famine - Polish

Scripture: Leviticus 11 An explanation of the typology of the Hebrew dietary laws, and how it deals with what is clean and what is unclean.…

Judge Not - Polish

Scripture: James 4 Looks at the different words for "judge" in the Greek and in the Hebrew and in what contexts they are used. Shows when…

Jesus in the Talmud - Polish

Scripture: Many Christians who love Israel and who have a heart for the Jewish people confuse loving the people of Israel with loving the…

Crimen Sollicitationis - Polish

Tłumaczone z łaciny oznacza: „Przestępstwo nagabywania” [Uwaga: Tekst ten został przetłumaczony i skomentowany przez niejakiego „Teeem”,…

Binding and Loosing - Polish

Scripture: Daniel 10 In many areas the church is trying to use biblical teaching about binding and loosing as an instrument to deal with…

Antichrist - Polish

Antychryst – spojrzenie na Biblię oraz proroctwa z hebrajskiego punktu widzenia Zapis kazania, które zostało wygłoszone…

The Anointing - Polish

Scripture: Acts 2 Addressing the claims of various groups that there efforts are bringing an revival accompanied by spiritual anointing and…

Abraham's Journey - Polish

Scripture: Genesis 12 Every person's life can be plotted as being along some point of Abraham's journey from Mesopotamia to the Promised…

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