These Books are books that young Christians should read. these are foundational works for the young believer or any Christian should read if they have not read them.

  1. The Pilgrim's Progress: John Bunyan
  2. Know What You Believe: Paul S Little (get early editions if possible)
  3. Know Why You Believe?: Paul S Little (get early editions if possible)
  4. The Screwtape Letters: CS Lewis
  5. The Normal Christian Birth: David Pawson
  6. Unlocking The Bible: David Pawson
  7. Love Not The World: Watchman Nee
  8. The Normal Christian Life: Watchman Nee
  9. Not I, But Christ: Watchman Nee
  10. The Best of AW Tozer: (Warren Wiersbe)
  11. Israel in The New Testament: David Pawson
  12. The Master's Plan of Evangelism: Robert Coleman
  13. Grain For The Famine: J Jacob Prasch
  14. More Grain For The Famine: J Jacob Prasch
  15. A Lamp To My Feet: J. Jacob Prasch
  16. The Dilemma of Laodicea: J Jacob Prasch
  17. Who Moved The Stone: Frank Morrison
  18. Evidence That Demands a Verdict – 2 Vol Set: Josh McDowell
  19. Kingdom of The Cults: Walter Martin
  20. The Seduction of Christianity: Dave Hunt
  21. The Testimony Of The Evangelists: Simon Greenleaf
  22. Christ of The Forty Days: A.B. Simpson
  23. The Christian in Complete Armor: William Gurnall
  24. Yeshua - The Jewish Way To Say Jesus: Moishe Rosen
  25. The New Evangelicism: Paul Smith
  26. The Fox's Book of Martyrs
  27. The Life and Times of Jesus Messiah: Alfred Edersheim
  28. The Temple, its Ministry and Services: Alfred Edersheim
  29. The Pilgrim Church: EH Broadbent
  30. The Biography of David Brainard
  31. The Journal (Diary) of John Wesley
  32. God's Outlaw (Biography of William Tyndale)
  33. Resisting The Mystical: Scot Noble

(Also Recommended: Sermons of Chas. Spurgeon, and Assorted works of Martin Lloyde Jones, FB Meyer, and JC Rhyle).

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